Knights of Pi 第一名 每年一度的Knights of Pi Math Tournament 数学竞赛,是华州难度较大的数学竞赛之一,吸引了西雅图周边从5年级到8年级的近150支队伍参加。2015年12月12日,娃哈哈数学小组派出了由Albert ,Alan, Lenci和Ryan四个人组成的六年级团队代表Wahaha首次参赛。详细信息
Wahaha Youth ClubWahaha Youth Club (WYC) was established in 2011. Under the supervision of the volunteer teacher, Mrs. Sherry Li, the club goal is to build a high quality Chinese language and culture education organization which is committed to improving the Chinese language ability for the youth and strengthening their social skillsJoin us!
Our mission
Discover and Cultivate
Chinese Culture and Language
Young leaders
Inspire and Empower
The youth to serve the community
Build a better and strong community
Respect and Develop
Appreciation for the evolving richness of the multicultures